Category Archives: Lucid dreams

What an insane afternoon

This afternoon held within it a nap. But within that nap was one of the craziest dreams I’ve had in forever. A “Lord of the Flies” type of scenario and I was leader of a group of friends who were absolutely had no advantages in an arena fight type situation. My body forced this sleep on me and I have no idea why. I went along for the ride and I just woke up and there was something there. It has been a long since I felt fear inside of a dream. Everything was culminating in a race and the other group of guys had massive cars and guns on them and equipped to the teeth and far beyond our ability to get any of them. I had taken a couple out up to this point and made them look like accidents and had managed to get my phone to conact family to tell them to talk to authorities…it was race time and I had just put my phone down and hoped the my would show up because it was time to go drive the wheels off of a shitty car…

When your destiny is revealed you can no longer run. These group of guys that had captured us were our friends. They had no apathy in their body and we’re just psychopaths at this point…even The General Lee and a few other cars were being used against us in this match…(this might actually be how the General is acquired for ‘The Tales’ curt!). I remember running my finger along the fender and wishing he wouldn’t have to meet me on the battlefield arena, but knowing he was going to be driven by the other leader and he was gunning for me…I hoped Odin would save me one more time but he hadn’t shown up before I awoke. There were just a mountain of problems and a couple friends of mine had died but I actually save a few. I had to have a fist fight with boat anchors because I saved one of them…pit of glass….shit was fucking nuts. Like a saw movie without any of the reasoning or games, just all out gore. It was fucked up…

So now I’m ready to get to work on Punk Frankie again! He has been waiting to be finished for about two months now. To be fair though, his Bride took a year to get to the place she is at…probably longer and she actually isn’t finished but I have to get Frankie to her level before I can charge on with the two of them. Once they get signed they are finished and I have refused to sign her. So that’s where I’ll be tonight. Dancing in my head of thoughts and brainstorming ideas and such. I think Star-Gazer is going to hit a break through, The Monsters and Fire Within will get finished and might even start on the mind redemption! Everything is crazy and awesome right now! You can’t get the smile away from me right now! Once I get the final pieces for Ox 9 it’ll be put together too! Did some quick sketches this morning too and they were a lot of fun! That’s all I have for now because I really have to get to work…but play so hard you lay waste to your ordinary body and your guitar starts on fire under the pressure of your immortality 😉 love ya!

Lucidity: A Ghost from the past…

I normally don’t share too many lucid dreams anymore but this one kind of freaked me out so here goes… 

So here are a couple cliff notes that you’ll need to know: I used to go to choir camp 15 years ago and would be gone for an entire month during the summer for singing. It was an entirely different world at camp and I met a ton of people there. I also used to share a bedroom with my younger sister (since we were the youngest and our older brother and sister ‘needed their space’ before we did, they always had their own rooms before we had ours. Another involves a house down the street we used to live in. There was a ‘Paranormal Activity 3 room’ too which was just a small cubby room where there was enough space to play with toys and whatnot. The crazy bits are starting to take shape as well if you know me well enough. Let’s get to the dream though…

It started with a flash back or just started earlier in life and then I forgot a bunch of things between these two points in life…but there were two distinct points of time. It started back in camp and I was gone for a month. This wasn’t choir camp or anything like that but I remembered I was drawing in my sketchbooks and while I was, a cute girl approached and asked if it was alright if she sat and watched. I honestly didn’t think anything of it and agreed because I was way too wrapped up in my drawings. I’ve never been one to just lay down some lines for later notes either. They’ve always been with pretty complete concepts or trashed. That’s just the way I roll. I fucking wish I had a photographic memory because those drawings I was working on in my dream…just damn. I’m doing similar stuff lately but they are all fragmented pieces of what these drawings were too. Really hard lines and complete ideas and insanely shaded! So I was getting lost in my drawings and this girl asked if she could lay her head on my shoulder while I drew and again I agreed because I just wasn’t paying attention. This was halfway through my drawing…she never saw the finished bit. She had told me a little about her and her name was Katie and told me about a few of her friends and what room she was in…and then she fell asleep. I wasn’t deterred though and actually finished the drawing before realizing she was asleep. After a few small nudges it was clear she was out. We were only in the lobby of the dorm hall so I carefully positioned her while holding her up and carried her to her room. Her roommate answered the door and I made a shh sound and asked which bed was hers. I laid her down and covered her and the roommate questioned what had happened and I explained and showed her the drawing and was going to leave it for her when she woke up but her roommate thought it’d be a better idea that if my story checked out that Katie would find me and then she could get it. I agreed and left and didn’t see her again while I was at camp…and then not again the next year (those friends I never really spoke to outside of camp because email was just starting out and landlines were the only other way of communicating but there was a strict ‘no calls after 9’ rule). Then something monumental changed the scenery of life which was like 9-11 (and the strange thing is that these events actually happened up to this point in my real life) and i never went back to camp. Fast forward the better part of a decade and I was moving home after a failed career path. Robots had taken over whatever I was doing as a job and put me out…

But I had seen her again…as my lease ran out and I ran out of money to stay in my own place I threw one last party and somehow this cute girl made it to the party with friends and I couldn’t place her but I knew I had recognized her…we talked through the night on the balcony watching the stars and telling each other about our lives and I came to the point where I had no idea what path to take now. She listened to me throw a couple ideas and kept shaking her head in disagreement because those wouldn’t be good fits for me. Her friends opened the door and were relieved to find her and said they were ready to leave. Before closing the door she looked back and simply said “just do what you would love to do…” As the door shut, it was like a shotgun blast went off and I realized this was the girl I laid down so many years ago and watched me draw as she fell asleep! I had to catch her before she left and made it through the sea of people looking for her…and finally ended up in the parking lot where she was just stepping into her friends car and I yelled out to her “I’m going to start drawing again!” She paused and looked at me and smiled and she said “I know.” But it wasn’t a smile like she had recognized me like i now knew her, just a smile that said that she intuitively knew that it would be the best fit for me.

So I moved back home and my younger sister had too. She was going to take our old room and I was going to take our brothers old room upstairs. At some point while us kids had moved away, our parents had combined the house with a company of sorts that was kind of like a movie theatre. You didn’t see the additions from the street because they were projected sights from the ‘good ol days’ and you couldn’t actually see what the exterior looked like. Our room growing up though was always the smallest. We just really always got the short stick of the deal! I was older and wanted the bigger room which was our brothers growing up. I started bringing my stuff home and my sister was already moving in and was sorting things that had been left there. It had seemed that when us kids moved out we just left everything and they were like time capsules and pretty freaky. Freaky to the point where I touched the upstairs banister and remembered when we were being babysat and we had rigged the stairs with boobytraps to keep our babysitter from coming upstairs! So my sister had boxed up my old stuff and brought it in after I had gotten my stuff all together. There were somethings that happened that seemed unimportant but I looked through a couple of the boxes and found that old drawing pad! I inmediately say down and started drawing more and more through the night. By the time the sun came up I had filled the book and knew that this was what I should do! I then found something of my sisters she packed in one of my boxes and went to take it to her and knocked on the door and let myself in and the room was massive compared to what it was!! My sister didn’t want me to know that and I was just in awe of it!! It was basically the caretakers room now to the theatre auditorium that was attached and part of my parents company now! She took that room so she could also take the job! I was still in complete awe of how much they had changed though! She told me to get ready because there was going to be a screening in the auditorium later of someone’s film and then a wrap party for it afterwards and we were invited since we were hosting it! 

So I showed up in my best suit and the evening started and we met the cast…and it turned out that this filmmaker was the roommate to this girl I had dropped off all those years ago! I was immediately intrigued and became completely engrossed in the film and all the behind the scenes stuff…because the film was about that night. Not so much from Katie’s perspective, but the roommate’s. She was in an abusive relationship and that night she was pretty well beaten up. Katie found her and brought her back to campus and got her all cleaned up. She sat with her too while she fell asleep and was emotionally spent after all of that. With good reason too, I can’t imagine anyone not having a tough time dealing with all that! So she was drained and just needed to take a walk. She left a note on the table saying she would be right back…right then I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Katie! I couldn’t believe it and stood up and gave her a giant hug and she asked if I had finished that drawing yet and I kissed her! Right then and there and then everyone started to get upset by our scene and I told her to sit right next to me! We sat down and locked out hands together as the film finished. It showed Katie going for a walk and crying about everything that had happened that night and she stopped just before she got back to the dorms to gather herself. She wiped the tears and put on a slight smile so no one would ask any questions…and entered the building. Then she saw me just drawing away and obviously loving doing it and I felt Katie squeeze my hand now. In the movie she had walked over and started talking to me and asked if she could just sit and watch. The conversation was much more involved than our first experience and eventually she fell asleep on me and I set my drawing pad down to take her upstairs! I carried her to her room and her roommate answered the door to a strange man carrying her friend gently. After shhh’shing her he asked which bed was her, laid her down, and covered her. He apologized for what could only be described as strange circumstances and told her that she had fallen asleep while he was drawing…and he had realized he left his drawing pad downstairs when he picked her up! He said he was going to go get it to prove that’s what had happened but when he returned he knocked softly a couple times. She was sitting at the table reading the note her friend left and after the couple soft knocks there were no more. She cried a few happier tears and said softly that ‘maybe there are a couple good ones left’ and put the note in the trash and made her way to the bathroom. She then washed a knife that was in the sink from the little bit of blood that was on it and then it showed ever so slightly a small gash on her wrist…and it faded to black with her slightly smiling in the mirror and wiping a tear away. 

…and then I woke up. I mean what the hell?!!!?!? I don’t even know how to compute any of that!