“I Never Forgot!” Issue 5


(The story continues with the first issue of the Love Arc)

Get caught up by reading through the Trust Arc

(Issue 1) (Issue 2)(Issue 3)(Issue 4)

5thCoverTaken from the back cover of Issue 5: There are few we can trust in this world when it spins into chaos, but the heart only knows what it wants to pursue. Dreams, ambitions, and people all weave their way inside each other. When trust is established, why wouldn’t we be quick to love?

This next issue finds us in three different paths and the art continuing to grow. With three being the first issue to be done on bristol, 4 was the first to get blacked out and heavier shadows in attempts to get closer to a more normal looking comic design. At the end of Issue 4, we knew Zeke was going to leave The Bunker, but V also decided she wanted to come along too. We will either lose one another or become the cause of that pain as we pass first. But Painting003there shouldn’t be that kind of thinking in such an amazing world that we live inside. Such amazing beauty and wonderful people to share these fleeting breaths with. I’m glad you’re here reading this, I appreciate it more than these words can express because that means you’re wanting to know more about this story I’m telling and along for this wild ride that has become my foray into making comics.

The variant is a play on the first cover’s variant. The fist issue had Zeke in a pile of zombies so I only found it fitting that the second arc would have Donnie climbing out of a pile of humans! This issue will update every Tuesday because that will fall between Patreon and Youtube updates. You can also get physical copies and it you’re interested – all you need to do is look at the previous post and that will take you where you can find more links and the issues! Thanks again and hope you enjoy it!

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