Category Archives: Issue 1

“I Never Forgot!” Issue 1, Page 1-2

Spread1 “I Never Forgot!” Issue 1, Page 1-2

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The story begins. Starting from nothing…(this will make more sense when we get into the second issue too.)

A simple statement/title. A way to remind oneself of something important is through repetition. The reason repetition is good for you is because it helps you remember the important things and moments in life. Some of those have helped shape you as a person. Some of those are painful and we’d rather forget, but they continue to help you regardless…All in all, memories are the one thing we can hold onto until we make new ones. We know ourselves better than anyone can ever know us and those bits in your mind are something’s that people can never take from you…

Issue1CoverLet’s do some reviewing of the evolution of these pages. The cover is the first bit of imagery I wanted people to see. A zombie attack; more importantly it is the drifter’s first time he was attacked by a zombie. Puppets shown as fighting with the hands pulling the strings in view. Giving the impression this story is being told to a younger generation. The backdrop is shown to be part of a diorama for this puppet show. All these components coming together to separately to make this certain scene…it reminded me of an artist friend and her art. They are separate drawings that she then places together to form a scenenotebook1

The roughs started out and the two opening pages were just going to be blacked out and a photograph in the bottom corner. I didn’t anticipate how much ink would be for not only the pages but printing them and using the printer ink. It seemed to be too much for all of that and changed the pages up quite a bit. I then printed off the linework to see how it all looked together and at that point the design changed for a few pages and this first spread was changed. During the coloring process the page one design was made…you’ll see more of this with the second issue too.


In the ‘black area’ it says “I used to have a family”

If you like what you are seeing or just want to get ahead of these pages – The first and second issue are available and the third is soon to be too! You can order them directly from me over here: